This August I taught my first "Forage & Arrange" workshop at the Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano. The workshop was held in the gardens of the beautiful Ecology Center where I educated my first group of about 25 Christa Rose Floralites* on the importance of supporting your local farms and what they can do to help support the #slowflowers movement. I did a tutorial on how to properly arrange and prep flowers and let them loose into the Ecology Center's gardens so they could all forage their own flowers. I also brought in some CA grown flowers that they could mix in with their foraged blooms. I was so impressed by the arrangements that they created. I discovered that teaching flowers is something that I definitely want to keep pursuing as I got so much fulfillment seeing the excitement in everyone's eyes as they started creating. If you're interested in hosting or taking a workshop and you don't see any on calendar, please email me at and let me know!
*Floralite? Yes. Floralites! This is what I am calling my flower followers and flowers students. I am ridiculous, I know.